Before I had kids and was a full time homemaker I used to be of the mentality that the best (and only in my opinion) way to lose weight and stay fit was to lift weights and do cardio in the gym. I know, I know. I was extremely ignorant. Upon having kiddos and having different time restraints and priorities set on me by others and myself I have quickly learned that there is no ONE WAY to staying healthy and active. Everyone has their own definition of what that means and how it looks. Don't get me wrong, I still believe that some have the wrong definition and do not understand the process but I no longer hold the belief that one way (for example, lifting weights) is the only way to stay healthy. It may be the only way to get to where YOU want to be but not where someone else wants to be. Does that make sense?
I have a three-fold purpose in creating this post:
1. I am currently pregnant and am already thinking about how I can realistically lose my baby weight once I am cleared to go and decided to use this opportunity to brainstorm and organize my thoughts.
2. A friend of mine recently had a baby and asked for my recommendations.
3. I get asked this question A LOT! Plus, I am constantly finding new ways and programs that I want to try and this will be a great way to just add to my list. :) (Those of you who know me personally understand my love for lists)
Before I even start in on workout ideas or programs I feel the need to address the issue of food. I am not going to go into detail because I realize people are going to do what they want to do and everyone can research the food issue for themselves. I, however, do not aspire to any of those fad diets that are out there right now (HCG, low carb, soup diet etc.) or the diets that take away a food group entirely (paleo, (gasp!) nonfat, gluten free (I understand about allergies) etc.) or the diets that emphasize ONLY portion control (like weight watchers) instead of emphasize the RIGHT kinds of food to put in your mouth at the right time. My philosophy when it comes to food stems more from the Clean Eating principles. To sum it up, eat what God made not man. If you want to research it out for yourselves here is a link that gives the basic principles of clean eating:
I also love Tosca Reno and her book series on Clean Eating. Here is her website:
Okay, now for the fun stuff! :)
As a mom, I realize that everyone is in a different spot in life and life requires different priorities during those specific times so I have broken down my list of After Baby Workouts into three categories:
1. At Home Videos
2. At Home Workouts
3. Gym Workouts
Personally, I see the most change when doing consistent gym workouts but since I am currently in a spot in life that does not allow for that I have had to reach out for other options.
At Home Videos
Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred
- Pro: This is a GREAT starting point. You only need one set of dumbbells and a mat (but that can be optional). It is only 20 minutes a day which makes it super duper easy to find time to do it. With my last pregnancy (I have had two before this one) I used this workout just to get my motivation back into working out. Since it was just a short amount of time I wasn't able to use the "I don't have time" excuse. Plus you can find this video for super cheap on amazon as well as in Walmarts.
- Con: I am not a fan of Jillian Michaels. For some reason she irks me the wrong way. However, when it comes to fitness SHE KNOWS HER STUFF!
- Pro: This video series is fast paced and keeps you motivated. After I finish one of them I feel as if I can take on the world (but also feel like I could fall over at the same time). After my first pregnancy I had gained A LOT of weight and pretty much used this series to lose most of that weight ( I got pregnant again before I could lose all of it).
- Con: If you follow the program you sometimes are working out for almost 2 hours a day. At times, I felt it was overkill and didn't fit into my busy schedules. It also is almost pure cardio and I missed my weights. This overkill on cardio also caused me to start losing my milk supply since I was breastfeeding so you need to be careful you eat enough also. It can also be expensive to purchase. Your best bet would be to borrow from a friend or find one used.
- Pro: One reviewer on amazon stated that it was a "kick your butt" video which is exactly what I want out of a home DVD.
- Con: I have not personally tried this video but it made it to the list cause I want to. I bought her DVD series for pregnant women and loved it. Not because they were hard or that I felt that I had a great workout afterwards but it was something totally different and kept me interested. I have read that it is little weights and more of the cardio and leg lifts which might bum me out a little but I am interested enough to try.
- Pro: My once hated cardio option has become my most favorite. It's cheap. You can do it anywhere. You can find any number of running programs online to get you started or keep you going. Here is the one that I followed after my first pregnancy when I was just trying to get used to the idea of running:
Here is the one I followed after my second pregnancy in preparing for a 5k that I did right before I got pregnant this time:
Coming across the finish line at my first 5k!
- Con: At first your body is going to HATE you! Running is a great cardio option but your body is going to fight it. I had shin splints, back aches, and the feeling that I couldn't breathe. The breathing got easier as I went but everything else got HARDER the longer and more often I ran. My solution? After talking with multiple running buddies I tried those weird looking five finger vibram shoes. They actually work! My running time improved and my aches and pains went away. Granted, it took a long time to train my feet to get used to them but if you try them. Be PATIENT! It's worth it in the end.
Jamie Eason's 30 Day Knock Out Workout
- Pro: This is the program that Jamie Eason created for her post pregnancy body. She gained 35 pounds with her lil one and lost it all plus more. I am a big fan of Jamie Eason. I believe she stands for balance (even though her job is the fitness industry) and she knows her stuff. I have met her and she is very sweet ( as opposed to some who I have met that come across as air heads and stuck up snobs.
- Con: You do need some equipment to be able to do this at home. I have included the link to her workout here and then her notes on how to make it an "at home" workout. I have not done this workout yet, but it is on my list!
Her notes on how to make it an at home workout: "Change the wide-grip lat pulldown to 1 arm dumbell row and the reverse grip pulldown to bent over row with 2 dumbells. Leg extensions can be lying on your back and holding a dumbbell in your feet . Instead of the seated leg curl, use a chair for your foot and do a single leg deadlift."
She follows up her training days with this at home cardio routine:
21 Day Clutch Cut Workout
- Pro: It's only three weeks! It does the trick! It even has a meal plan included with it. This is the program that gave me that last "push" that I needed to finally get down to my pre-preggo know that last 5 or 10 pounds that just WILL NOT come off. Well, this is the workout I followed to get there.
- Con: It does have to be modified for at home workouts. You will need dumbells, a weighted ball and a jump rope to complete. For the cardio portion, I did it while my kids were napping and took the baby monitor outside and used the street in front of my house (I ran back and forth). This is an INTENSE workout. I did not do it while breastfeeding! I don't think my milk supply would have withstood it. Especially considering I followed the program to the "T" (food, supplements, workouts...EVERYTHING!). In the three weeks I was able to lose 6 pounds. Considering 1lb a week is normal for what size I was at it really works! This is also not a program I would follow all the time due to the intensity but I will use it in the future before special events (aka before that cruise my husband and I want to take).
This is my before and after picture. The picture on the left I took just a couple months after my first child was born. The picture on the right was the last day of the Clutch Cut Workout program (after my second pregnancy). Thirty pound difference!
Gym Workouts
The Female Training Bible 12-Week Program
- Pro: This is a GREAT place to start if you are new to the gym. It takes you through all the information of lifting weights, what to eat, when to eat, and even supplements. I was able to do the first four weeks at the beginning of my pregnancy and the next time my schedule allows me to be back in the gym I would like to finish the program.
- Con: You have to go to the gym! :)
The Live Fit Trainer--by Jamie Eason
- Pro: This is my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE program. It takes you through each stage of the weight lifting process. Starting with four weeks of the basics while building muscle, then four weeks of toning and getting stronger, with the final four weeks of fat burning. I have done this program twice now and will do it again someday. It also includes a meal plan for the most optimum results.
- Con: Many people claim weight gain in the first four weeks but if you hold out it turns out to be the good weight gain and you end up losing it later or just looking better! The beginning of the program you are only in the gym for a short period of time but by the end you will need close to 1.5 hours some days. It's worth it but as always your schedule and priorities have to line up.
So, there you go. Those are my recommendations for starting.
My plan? Well, after my six weeks of "oh my gosh I just had a baby, how do I survive again?", I plan on starting with Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred, then trying the 30 day Knock Out Workout. From there I am going to see what the weather is like and my time restraints. I really really enjoy running now and want to get back into that but if the weather does not permit I will try something new, redo the Live Fit Trainer, or possibly do Turbo Fire over again. It really depends on where life is at at that moment. My goal is to stay active, in whatever means that entails.
Disclaimer: In no way am I claiming I know it all when it comes to health and fitness. I have a long road ahead of me to learn but I also have a long road behind me. These recommendations simply come from my experience and what I have happened to try. There are a ton of other options and I love to try new workouts to keep it fresh and fun so I am constantly looking for new ideas. I am not affiliated with any of the workouts I have posted, it is all just my opinion.
What have you done? Have you tried something on my list and hated it? Loved it? I would love to hear about it and know what your active lifestyle passion is.