May 31st
We were over at Matt's parents house (like we are often on a Sunday night) and Titan was out in the front yard with us, watching as the kids played. Like any dog, he leans down and starts licking himself. Kenzie looks over and laughs "Momma, look! Ty is eating his butt!"
June 25th
I had sent Kenzie to go potty before naptime when all of a sudden I heard a blood curdling scream from the bathroom. I run to assess the damages and there she is sitting on the toilet FREAKING OUT. I ask her what happened and she replies "my leg, it hurts". I look down at her leg and see nothing. I ask her what happened to make her leg hurt. She replies "The fly. It got me". Apparently a fly landed on her leg...causing the excessive screaming. ALL GIRL!

We were at Andrew Patton's 30th birthday party when Kenzie asked me to take her potty. As we are in the bathroom. She looks up at me and says "Momma, you and brother build legos together...(she then gets a big smile and starts to giggle)...and we pee together". --I couldn't help bust out laughing--
September 14th
I was giving Kenzie a bath and she was pretending to mix some ingredients. When I inquired what she was mixing she replied with "garlic, soda, and chocolate milk"....ummmm YUM?
October 9th
In our circle time of school we always pray for a missionary out of the prayer cards I have in a little basket. We also will look on the globe where they are. Yesterday I pulled the Runions in North Carolina out and asked Kenzie to pray for them. She prayed " thank you for daddy and keep him safe. Pray for school and thank you for the onions". 😂...close enough right!?!
October 14th
I came home from church with a really bad stomach ache. I'm talking "my husband was googling appendicitis systems" bad. Anways, I was trying to put the kiddos to bed and I was all hunched over when Makenzie looks up at me and asks "Momma, are you getting old?....Yep! Yes, I am. ;)
I overheard a conversation that Kenzie was having with Matt. It went something like this, Kenzie: "If you eat chocolate than it makes your heart better" Matt: Really!?! Who told you that? Kenzie: Momma. Hehehe of course I did!
Matt had just come home from work and he picked Kenzie up and was cuddling her all nice and giving her loves. She had the sweetest look on her face and seemed to be totally engrossed in her Daddy when she piped up "Daddy, you have spider webs in your nose!" Hahaha! The things kids say!
I had to run to the store, which all my kids hate when I announce that. When I pulled into the Fred Meyer parking lot, Makenzie asked from the backseat "Momma, what is that place?" I replied with "Fred Meyers". She then disagreed "No, its Walmart". I replied "No, sweetie its Fred Meyers. This went back and forth about three more times when I finally spoke up and said "Makenzie, the name is Fred Meyers, do not argue with Momma". There was silence for a few minutes and then she replied back "Okay, momma. But I will call it Walmart." Hahahahaha!
Sometime After October 2015
Makenzie was sitting on the back of one of our chairs and Matt was sitting in the chair in front her. As she is massaging her Daddy's head she exclaims "Daddy...your hair is gelous!" (a mixture of gel and jealous). :)