The day after he turned five, I asked him whether he could do a specific task. He turned to me with this know it all look on his face and replied with "I'm five now mom". (as if to say that since he is five he can do anything). :)
It was late one evening and I needed to do a Target run to pick up a wedding shower present for a friend. Colton asked me why I was buying an electric water kettle when I already had a tea kettle at home. I explained to him in the store that it was for Miss Michelle and Mr. Jake who were getting married. The following conversation happened:
Colton: Is this for their marriage?
Me: Do you mean their wedding?
Colton: we have to go to their marriage?
Me: Yes.
Colton: EWWWW! I hate watching people kiss.
If only I could bottle that up and keep it for in about ten years. ;)
We were at Church hanging around after Master Club head ended. Colton was brought to me with a dent in the middle of his chest, tears in his eyes and shortness of breath. Turns out he was climbing on a stack of chairs and fell over and they landed on top of him. After a quick call to Fureman Daddy (who of course was at work) I was instructed to take him in....on to our fifth Emergency room trip. Luckily, this was one time where we were sent away with instructions to take it easy and a diagnosis of a "bruised sternum". This kid is going to make me turn gray FAST!
We were having a family date night and were taking the kiddos to see the new Star Wars Movie. I was craving brownies that night and decided to make some to stash in my purse for a movie snack. I'm really the only family member that cares any lick about brownies but I asked everybody if they would want some anyways. When it came Colton's turn to answer me his reply was priceless...." I do not want brownies, but I will take one and give it to my wife when she needs a little bit of chocolate." Out of the mouths of babes!
We went to the park to burn some energy and go outside. Colton was on the swings and decided to jump off. He was super proud of himself and asked me to watch. I responded with "Cool! Just like flying like Superman". I proceeded to give him an underdog and then turned my back to check on Emma when I heard a blood curdling scream. He had stood up on the seat of the swing, waited until he was at the very top and then jump off. This time though, he did not land on his feet but on his arm, breaking his elbow. I dknew something was wrong because when I looked at him he was not moving and his arm looked funny. Matt was at work so I called our next door neighbor who is also a fireman and he came down, told me it was probably broken and helped me get him back to the car. Long story short it was broken in three places. One horizontally across the bone and then each side diagonally. We had to stay in the hospital with him one night in case they did surgery on him and to control his pain.
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What I saw when they removed his long sleeve shirt...yep I started crying then. |
In the hospital he was very weepy and distraught. At one point, matt told him he needed to be tough just a little bit longer and Colton's reply was "I'm all out of being tough"....
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The ambulance ride to a different hospital |
We ended up having to take him home to allow the swelling to go down and then readmit him into the hospital three days later for surgery (four pins). After his surgery he was a little (okay a lot) drugged up and I was staying by his bed the entire time while Matt sat in the chair off to the side. After awhile Colton perked up a little and told me " go sit in Daddy's seat so he can come up here cause you stole his spot". I was a little hurt underneath the laughter until a few minutes later he called over to me and asked "Mommy, will you come and put your hand here?" (as he gestured to his hand, meaning for me to hold it). Then I felt much better knowing the little man needed BOTH his mommy and his Daddy.
I had to buy a long PVC pipe for a science project we were doing and the leftovers I gave to Colton to play with. Matt taught him how to saw through it and make a fountain out of it. Fast forward to this day.....
Colton and Makenzie were swimming out in the backyard when Colton decided to amp things up a bit and started throwing pool toys at Makenzie. He was being a bully and a little rough but he was also throwing things that were soft and pliable at her. She, in return, picked up the object that was nearest to her. Unfortunately for Colton it was a jagged piece of PVC pipe we had bought earlier in the month and it landed right smack dab in the middle of Colton's to the ER we went. Fortunately all it needed was glue.
Before church Colton had his cds playing and was listening to "America The Beautiful". On the way to church he pipes up and says "Momma, did you know that God can make anything?" *pause* "even a plane out of fruit." I was completely puzzled so I first confirmed his statement and then asked him why he said that. His reply was priceless... "you know, the song mom. The one that talks about "fruited plains". Hehehehehe!
Colton came up to me, proceeded to flex his biceps and announced "Mom, say hello to strong and stronger" and then kissed each one of them. (OMG)