We were at church on our way to the Christmas play put on by Treasure Valley Baptist School. Colton was excidetly trying to get to the gym (to eat and see his friends) and thus he was running through the parking lot. I raised my voice to get his attention and said" Is running through a parking lot safe? Your number one job is to stay safe". Barely missing a beat he replied with "And my number two job....is to be awesome!". OH. MY. WORD.
December 25, 2017
Its Christmas day and Colton was so excited to give me his gift. I opened it to find a knitted beanie. I love beanies. In fact, if I am cold I will just go and put on a beanie, even if I am in the house. Anyways, this particular knitted beanie was extra special. All by himself he approached a friend of mine through a handwritten letter from him and asked if she would knit me a beanie for Christmas. He then proceeded to pay her (granted not enough) for her services and even submitted a design that he wanted her to follow on what he wanted to hat to look like. Thus produced my hat. A hat I will NEVER EVER get rid of. :)
January 1, 2018
Colton has been very concerned about dating (or courting) and marriage today. He asked me how a boy is supposed to know when he finds the girl he is going to marry. He then asked me how Matt asked me to marry him and I told him the whole story.
We discussed why people have girlfriends and what he needed to do before he could get a girlfriend (finish school, get a good job, and have enough money...we talked in detail how EXPENSIVE wives were ;) )
He wrote a letter to his crush (first one--she will remain anonymous but I am hoping I remember) asking her out on a date so we talked about when he could actually give her the letter (same things as listed above for when he could get a girlfriend). We had a big juicy conversation on listening to God's voice on who you should marry and more....apparently one of his friends told him on Sunday that he had a girlfriend so it has sparked some questions from Colton's end. (Man, this starts younger than I expected!!)
I can tell that his questions make him uncomfortable but he really wants to know cause he has been following me around like a little puppy with a sheepish grin on his face trying to muster up the courage to ask me the questions. It's been really cute watching him go through the whole process of getting the nerve to ask me and talk to me about it.
Towards the end of the day he asked me to teach him how to make a grilled cheese sandwich (which I did) so he could give it to his wife someday and help her out in the kitchen. Man! I hope he is a good husband who listens to God and loves his wife.
January 16, 2017
For Master Club, Colton had the assignment to create a poster or invitation about the Bible. It needed to be colorful and enticing so people would notice it. Upon showing me the poster I couldn't help but laugh when I read the bottom and it was short and (in your face) to the point. At least that's what I thought it said: Will you come to church sinner? It actually read: Will you come to church, sign here. Hahahahaha!
January 17, 2018
I was doing a history lesson on Xerxes the First (Queen Esther's Husband) and Colton had an activity he assigned while I was reading aloud about his life. After I was done reading I turned to him and looked at his COMPLETELY WHIE paper. I was shocked at first until I noticed his sly grin.---He had finished his assignment in invisible ink. Meaning I couldn't read it until he colored over it. :) My little trickster.
February, 2018
At bedtime Colton was asking some pretty big philosophical questions. One of them was asking why he was the oldest in the family. I explained that God must have known that he could be responsible to help mommy and daddy out and be mature. He was saying how he didn't like that. I then responded by telling him how Matt is the oldest and had to be responsible with Megan and Holly and how I was the oldest and had to help with my sisters too. He came back with "OOOOO! That must have been hard for you!" (YES, it was ;) ).
April, 21, 2018
This story actually starts last night when Colton was able to spend the night with his Pop. They were going fishing today so they were up and at 'em early. They went fishing up past Lucky Peak some where. They were not expected back till well past dark. So, when I saw an incoming call from my Father-in-law around 2pm I knew something was up. Especially when I answer the phone and I hear "So...he is okay, but Colton needs stitches". Um. Ok. Not my first rodeo. ;)
I may have a few of my facts off cause this is being told to me by my seven year old. But apparently Colton was given permission to be a knife owner. He had witnessed his Pop using his knife to cut the plastic off of a six pack of soda and decided he needed to try it also. But of course, its his first time using one so he slipped and caught his hand instead. Since, he figured he would be in trouble he tried to hide it from his Pop by going into the bathroom and wrapping it with paper towels. But, Pop is not one you can hide things from and he noticed it right away. My favorite part is the fact that Colton was so upset that he had to come back down to the valley to get stitches cause it interrupted his fishing trip that after the urgent care visit was all taken care of, him and Pop went back up and finished their fishing trip. That's my boy!
August 26th, 2018
We had a discussion on the way home from swimming about what we think is in heaven. Brother said he doesn't think there will be guns or knives in heaven cause there are only good people in heaven and we won't need them. Later sis says "there are flowers in heaven". I asked her how she could be so sure. She replied back with "cause God made it a wonderful place (like the song) and flowers are wonderful." Colton then quietly says to himself "that means guns will be there, cause they are wonderful". ;)
August 27, 2018
Colton had had a particularly bored day (first day his friends went back to school). He pulled out his science book and started to ask me if he could do this experiment or that experiment. But, all I heard was "big mess....another big mess" so I said no and he had to find something else to do.
He started to get a little frustrated when Sis pipes up "just take the science book with us to Grandma's. Remember, she lets us do anything we want." Hahahahahahaha!