Saturday, December 30, 2017

Colton Antics Take 4

Sometime in the near past
We were on our way home from church on a Sunday morning and the kids were all jabbering away when I heard Colton behind me says " Momma, I love going to church. When I grow up and find a wife, I am going to go to this church". *My prayer is not that he stays in this church his entire life, but that he stays in a church his entire life. * :)

January 22, 2017
Colton was saved tonight. He has been asking to get saved for months. Both Matt and I were saved at a young age and we both wanted to make sure he was ready and understood completely. He would often ask me about it and I would quietly tell him that if he was serious to ask his Dad about it when he got home. This was my attempt to make sure he was under conviction and that Matt had a chance to talk with him about whether or not he understood completely. Each time he would either forget or not quite understand WHY he needed to get saved. Tonight was different. He explained to his Daddy that he was a sinner and needed Jesus to save him so he could go to heaven. Thankful to God that he convicted my little boy enough to get saved. AMEN!

February 2017
Colton got a sucker at church one Wednesday night and we noticed that a few minutes after sucking on it, his three year old cousin had it in his mouth (Dexter). When Colton was questioned on why Dexter now had his sucker he replied with... "don't worry, I sucked off all the germs first". What!?! Oh my goodness. I guess we need a lesson on germs. ;)

March 2017
Colton came inside from playing in the sandbox with Sis and explains" Sis and I are building an altar for a sacrifice". Then he goes on to ask... "since Koda is a meathead, Sis and I were wondering if we could use her as the sacrifice?" What!?! (Just as a side note, he recently read about sacrifices in the Bible and Koda is our dog).

March 13th, 2017
Colton received his first black eye today. Knowing my son, I would NOT have guessed that this is how he did it.....he was taking a shower and I heard a piercing scream. I ran into the bathroom and he had fallen and had hit the soap dispenser cut out on the side of the tub. Guess that shower was meaner than it looked. ;)

July 2017
I heard the girls screaming "kill it with my shoe", kill it with my shoe". Then Emma comes running towards me explaining there is a bug in the bathroom. I go investigate and find Colton standing over a pincher bug. I tell him to move over so I can kill it. He stands up, looks me in the eye and responds with "don't worry momma, I already killed it with my gun". (As he proceeds to show me the nerf gun in his hand). Hahahahahaha ! I was impressed....cause he did actually kill it by shooting. #hunterintraining

September 9, 2017
During our read aloud time we rotate between a bunch of different "genres" of books. One of them is a joke book. This particular morning the joke was "Why is a snake fun to hang out with?". Colton normally will try to answer the joke. This one he answered with "cause they  might hiss you off". Hahahahahaha! The real answer was "cause they are hiss-terical" but I think I like his answer best.

September 23
I made Chicken Fried Rice for dinner but left it on the counter to cool before dishing it up to the kids. Apparently Colton wanted to improve it cause when I got back he had added some ingredients to it. Let's just say it was VERY GARLICKY when we ate it. (He also added more eggs, sesame oil, soy sauce and onion to it). I guess that's what happens when he watches cooking shows with his Nonna. #choppedintraining

November 28, 2017
We were cleaning up the kitchen after dinner and I have Pandora on in the background when Colton turns to me and asks "Momma, would you care for a dance?"---And the dishes were set aside. ;)

December 2017
I had just woken up from a nap and found a note put under my bedroom door from Colton. It read "Mom, I love you so much. I am at the mailbox. I am old enough to have more freedom. I can handle myself. Leave the door open all night. From Colton"....Luckily when I dashed out the door I found him quietly sitting in front of the TV watching Netflix. Turns out he realized it was a bad idea and told me he changed his mind. ;)

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